Women’s Trial Training Camp – Nov. 24-26

The FIM is sponsoring a series of Women’s Trial Training Camps in Germany, France, South Africa, and the United States. The U.S. camp is open to all women trials riders from North America and will be held here at the Trials Training Center in Sequatchie, TN on November 24-26, 2006.

Louise_Forsely_3.jpg Louise_Forsely_1.JPG Louise_Forsely_2.jpg
The TTC will have our staff on hand as well as U.S. Women’s Champion trials rider Louise Forsley. (Click photos to enlarge.)

womenscampthumb.gifThere is no cost for the training camp, but interested participants must submit this completed entry form to the AMA by October 13.

American Motorcyclist Association
13515 Yarmouth Dr.
Pickerington, OH 43147
1 (800) AMA-JOIN
1 (614) 856-1900, ext. 1244

Very limited on-site lodging (not free!) is available at the TTC lodge, and cabins, RV campsites and primitive campsites are available by contacting us. See the accommodations page for more details on our facilities as well as nearby hotels.

November is perfect riding weather in Tennessee!

September 1 update: Women’s World Champ Laia Sanz will travel from Spain to attend!

September 14 update: Note date change (again!) to Nov. 24-26, 2006.