Tag Archives: Phil Smage

Smage brothers make the semi-finals on NBC’s America’s Got Talent

Smage Bros on AGTPat Smage, 2011 AMA/NATC National MotoTrial champion, and his brother Phil Smage, have been getting prime-time national TV exposure this summer.

They entered their Smage Bros Riding Shows (Facebook page) in this year’s NBC America’s Got Talent (AGT) competition.

Here’s their audition video:

They got accepted. The Smage Bros Riding Shows AGT page has this background text (containing one large error, which I’ve corrected and highlighted in bold):

Phil and Pat Smage are The Smage Bros., two motorcycle-riding brothers from a farm in Elkhorn, Wisconsin. This riding duo developed their love of motorcycles from their parents, who first met at a racetrack. Growing up, the brothers were taught by their parents how to ride. Finding they had both similar talents and a love for performing, the two formed the trick-riding group, The Smage Bros.

Phil and Pat began performing their act at local motorcycle shops, races and fairs during the spring and summer. The other part of the year found them competing in action sports competitions, including motocross, snowboarding and snowskating, with one following the sunand the other chasing the snow.

Their pursuits brought them a great deal of success. In 2007, Pat realized his dream of becoming the youngest National Endurocross MotoTrial Champion in the history of the sport. He went on to win the National Championship three additional times. Phil, who spent his free time traveling towards the snow, collected three national championships in snowskating at the Winter X Games. Even though the brothers were pulled to opposing climates, one thing always brought them back together: their love for entertaining people on motorcycles.

Here’s a video of their first appearance on AGT in New York in June.

Here’s the video of their performance in Las Vegas:

Here’s the video of their performance in Hollywood:

Here’s the video of the judges’ decision in Hollywood, moving them to the semi-finals:

The Daily Mail in the UK liked their act: Daredevil motorcycle act is a rip-roaring success on a night of lacklustre performances on America’s Got Talent