Tag Archives: NATS

Bike trials at the TTC: NATS hosts a round


The North American Trials Series (NATS) hosts competitions for  US and Canadian bicycle trials riders and last weekend, they held an event here at the TTC during our Youth Nationals/Women’s Open.

Organizer Michael Friddell has posted a summary of the event that starts out:

NATS photo albumWhat a great weekend at the Trials Training Center!  Considering that it was pouring rain and slippery as can be just the weekend before, we got pretty lucky.  It was a bit hot and muggy out in the main field but much cooler up the creek and under the trees where the sections were.

This year I set our sections in the midst of the Youth National mototrials sections so that the riders could see each other ride and the spectators could enjoy both.  The tricky thing about mototrials sections is that they set a lot of them (20+) and they use different ones on Saturday and Sunday.  As it happened, they didn’t use the ones closest to our sections on Saturday because the found another route on their cycling watches.  Still, this might have been for the best since they seemed to have quite a lot of chaos going on.  In the end, it worked well… (continued here)

See the results at the bottom of Michael’s summary and this link to a photo album of the event.

NATS Worlds qualifier at the TTC on July 3

Tom McNeal at the TTC, 2009The North American Trials Series (NATS) is an organization that schedules and organizes a series of bicycle competitions for US and Canadian bicycle trials riders.

They’ve hosted many events at the TTC over the years and on Saturday July 3, they’re hosting a Worlds Qualifier here.

NATS-logoRegistration opens at 8 am with a riders meeting scheduled for 8:30 am. Competition starts at 9am. The event fee for NATS club members is $20.00; $25.00 for non-members.


Michael Friddell
2721 Airwood Dr.
Nashville, TN 37214

See all the photos in the album for the 2009 NATS event at the TTC.