Tag Archives: Advanced Trials Training Techniques

Ryan Young, featured instructor for Trials Training Days 2010

RYP-advanced-dvd-sshot One of the featured instructors for the 2010 Trials Training Days (TTD) is 6-time US National Champion Ryan Young, head honcho at Ryan Young Products.

Ryan’s latest DVD is Advanced Trials Training Techniques and he has a trailer video on the order page for it. (You can see in this screenshot that parts of the DVD were filmed at the TTC. That’s the TTC lodge in the background.)


Ryan and other instructors will be on hand during the TTD weekend to work with riders on these same advanced techniques.

RyanYoung-video-sshot2If those techniques too advanced for you, no worries.  Ryan’s 2004 DVD, Trials Training Techniques covers the basics, for beginners to experts. He’s got a trailer video for this DVD, too.

Ryan and the other instructors for Trials Training Days 2010 will be teaching the full range of trials techniques presented on this DVD, too.




Trials Training Days March 27-28, 2010

Pricing: $100.00/per rider $10.00/per non-rider

See our Trials Training Days (TTD) page with videos and photos from previous TTD’s. Or jump right to the TTD registration page to sign up now.