Cliff Tucker, the heart and soul of the Rocky Mountain Trials Assocation and a legend in the US motorcycle trials community, died of heart attack yesterday at his ranch in Cotopaxi, Colorado, site of the upcoming NATC Rounds 1 & 2.
I interviewed Cliff in late March for show #4 of our podcast, On The Pegs.
I spoke with Monte Tucker, one of Cliff’s sons, earlier tonight.
Services will be held 10:30 am on Wednesday, May 9 at the Cotopaxi Church, 20326 US Highway 50, Cotopaxi, CO. (719) 942-4185.
Monte and his brothers Todd and Duane have set up a memorial fund for their dad that anyone can donate to. Cliff’s wife will make a decision at a later point on how to best use the money for a public good. Send checks to:
Cliff Tucker Memorial Fund
PO Box 182
Cotopaxi, Colorado, 81223
Feel free to add comments and express condolences here or on the messages boards where you may have seen the notice of Cliff’s passing.
And here’s the audio of my interview with Cliff.
Click play to listen. 10 minutes, 44 seconds.
Update: May 8, 3 pm: I cropped the photo of Cliff above from this photo of observers at the 2006 World Round.