How 2 Hop: Video Clips

The TTC has been doing a series on riding techniques and tips for Trials Competition Magazine, and Shan Moore says his readers have really enjoyed them. So, as an added feature we have started to make some video clips to accompany the articles and provide them on our website for everyone to enjoy.

This month’s article is on “How to Hop Like a Springbuck” featuring our own South African bucks (Bruce & Brent LeRiche) demonstrating their bouncing skills on a trials bike. The text of the article is reprinted, but instead of the photos from the magazine we have added video clips. I believe that this month Shan is printing the front wheel hop, with the rear technique to come next month. Future months will include splatters, drop offs, and double blips.

The video clips on the hopping page range in size from 1.5 mb to 6 mb. Check it out! Be sure to scroll to the bottom and see how Bruce uses these techniques to maneuver along a series of logs.

Visit the TTC How to Hop Like a Springbuck page.