Flickr photo group for WTC/USGP

As you can see in the upper right sidebar here on the TTC blog, we’re experimenting with using a World Trials Championship, USGP Flickr group to display people and rider photos for the upcoming World Round (less than two weeks).

(Note: the photos there now are from the 2004 World Round in Duluth. We’ll replace those Real Soon Now.)

Our plan is to encourage people to add their photos to their own Flickr account albums/sets and then also submit them to the World Trials Championship, USGP Flickr group.

We’ll ask people to tag them with either “motorcycle trials riders” or “motorcycle trials people” so that anyone can use one or both Flickr Badges in their website’s sidebar. The Badges changes as new photos are added and the web page is refreshed.

Let us know if you’ve got ideas on how we can improve this approach.