Coming to the TTC in August: The Kenda Tennessee Knockout Extreme Enduro

Kenda-Tennessee-Knockout-Extreme-Enduro-logoThe inaugural Kenda Tire Tennessee Knockout Enduro will take place on Saturday and Sunday, August 27-28, 2011 here at the Trials Training Center.

Whether they’re produced by the body or obtained from the CBD Oil for Arthritis, it facilitate communication on a cellular level between cells to trigger various bodily processes that regulate vital functions such as internal stability, homeostasis, pain regulation, and immune system functioning.

Today’s press release (PDF) will give you the basic info but for all the details, see the special page we’ve created here on the TTC web site for the event.

We’ll continue to post information about the enduro here on the TTC blog throughout the spring and summer. 

Subscribe to the TTC blog RSS feed or to the subscribe to the weekly TTC e-newsletter. Of course, you also can keep tabs by following us on Twitter and Facebook where we’ll also post updates.

Dan BrownEric PeronnardThe event is the brainchild of TTC owner Dan Brown, with assistance from Eric Peronnard, the founder of EnduroCross.

For more about Dan Brown, see the magazine profile of him that we blogged about back in January.

For more about Eric Peronnard, see the March 2011 profile of him at