Category Archives: Media coverage

Shan Moore joins the blogosphere

Back in December, I blogged the print and online developments with Trials and Enduro News (formerly Trials Comp).

Shan Moore Shan Moore with camera Darrell Shannon
Since then, webmaster Darrell Shannon (right photo above) converted their site over to WordPress and two weeks ago, Publisher & Editor Shan Moore launched his ShanBlog. (Photos of Shan are from my April, 2008 blog post during the Wagner Cup, USGP at the TTC. I’m sure he’s aged considerably since then.)

An excerpt from ShanBlog post #1:

Because of my background with CN, I have always been reluctant to do a blog because that kind of writing was what I would call off the cuff… something that I’m not good at. I was worried I was too "up-tight" to do a blog, and too worried about making mistakes or saying the wrong thing. Well, I’ve been reading a lot of blogs lately, and I’ve decided no one else worries about those things so why should I.

Also, I have been so tied up with all the events I’ve been covering lately (I’m on the road every weekend covering something… as a freelancer, if you’re not on the road covering something, then your not making money) that I have been hard pressed to find the time. However, I am starting to get a handle on the workload, in addition to getting the hang of putting together 40-something pages of T&E News, so I plan of giving you "off the cuff" updates from all the events I go from here on out.

Welcome to the blogosphere, Shan.

TTC’s Dan Brown on Pitt Pass Radio

Dan Brown, TTCDan Brown of the Trials Training Center will be on Pitt Pass Radio on Tuesday, February 16. 2010.

The show starts at 8 p.m. Eastern Time and ends at 10 p.m.

Pit Pass Radio bannerThe episode will also be available in their Pitt Pass Radio show audio archives so that you can listen anytime, your choice of three ways: click the Listen icon, download the MP3, or subscribe to the podcast.

Update 2/17 12 pm: You can hear the 10-minute segment with Dan Brown starting at the 43-minute mark. Visit the Pit Pass Radio podcast page and look for the Feb. 16, 2010 show.

Alternately, you can listen to the whole show via this Flash audio player, and if you want, drag the bar to the 43-minute mark.