Category Archives: Event Updates

58k festivities to include pumpkin decorating and youth pumpkin race; cabins and RV sites still available

The 27th Annual 58K Fall Trial at the TTC will be here in 15 days: Oct 19-20. Details here.

There are limited cabins and RV sites still available. Please contact us to reserve.

Come join the fun, watch the youth competition as well as the pumpkin decorating and pumpkin race. Pumpkins may be purchased at TTC. For more information about the youth competition and pumpkin activates please email Curt Comer at

Family Camp, Youth Nationals and Women’s Open is less than 2 weeks away. Early Bird registration ends at midnight on Monday, June 17

The early bird discounts ($50 savings) for Family Camp, Youth Nationals and Women’s Open Competition end at midnight on MONDAY, 6/17.

See our 2019 Family Camp, Youth Nationals, and Women’s Open web page, including a link to online registration via EventBrite.

Bring the whole family for 4 days of Motorcycle Camp in the beautiful TN mountains. Ages 4-16 spend 3 mornings improving their motorcycle riding skills in a fun, relaxed setting with patient instructors and other kids their age. Afternoons are spent doing fun activities and games with the whole Family! We go hiking and swimming at Foster Falls, play games on and off of the motorcycle, and have an Ice Cream Social with even more games. Rounding off the last day of Camp is a Group outing to a Local Tennessee Attraction.

BUT WAIT…THERE’S MORE! Following Family Camp are 3 days of National Competition just for Youth, and the Women’s Open competition just for the Ladies! Youth and ladies get the opportunity to compete with their peers from around the country. Competition Awards are given each day. Overall awards are given on the last day of competition.

See our 2019 Family Camp, Youth Nationals, and Women’s Open web page, including a link to online registration via EventBrite.

2019 Flyer (PDF)

thumbnail of 2019-Family-Camp-Youth-Nat-Womens-Open-flyer

Registration continues for Trials Training Days 2018 via Eventbrite

We started accepting registrations for Trials Training Days 2018 back in mid-January but ran into occasional technical glitches with our registration form that proved tough to resolve. So we’ve switched to using the Eventbrite service and all appears to be running smoothly.

Here’s a screenshot of what the registration page now looks like:


To get started, visit our revamped Trials Training Days page with new photos, added PDFs for the schedule and section descriptions, and a link to the Eventbrite TTD registration page.

We hope you join us!