April 16/17 Tennessee National, Rounds 3 & 4

Things are coming together for one of the best Nationals ever at TTC, the April 16/17 AMA/NATC National Championship, Rounds 3 & 4

Things are just starting to bud as of April 2, so spring should be in full bloom by the event on April 16/17. For this year, we will be having a catered dinner of lasagna and spagetti instead of BBQ, so all you riders can get your pasta carbo-loading dinner on Saturday evening between rounds 3 & 4. Cost will be $10, and includes lasagna or spagetti, bread, salad and drinks. The concession stand will be open during the day with burgers & such.

Event Flyer

Rider info flyer
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See the Events page for more. See you on the loop!