Latest news from the TTC:
This week has been the American Trials Training Camp for teens, a week for the future Pros to practice together and have a great time. We’ve had 14 kids riding this week. They get up for breakfast at 6AM, 1st practice starts at 7 and goes until about 11AM. 2nd practice session is from 5 to 7PM. They are all really pushing themselves and each other.
Brad Baumert has kept totally busy during each session repairing bikes, and the action in the pits is non-stop. The week’s tally (so far) is 8 sets of handlebars and two trips to the infirmary for stitches, but nothing serious. They eat like locusts.
Update: this morning the kids took a break from serious practice for a trials riding adventure up the Cove to explore a cave and climb a mountain to a nice lookout. Click on the photo at left to link to some pictures. Then back to practice in the evening session (after they clean the bathrooms!).
It’s been fun, we’ll try to do this again. Here’s a list of the riders in attendance:
Brad Baumert (Camp Commandant and mechanic)
Bruce LeRiche (coach)
David Chavez (coach)
Cody Webb, 17
Cody Manning, 16
Will Ibsen, 15
Stevie Darrow, 16
Dave Aldo, 14
Karl Davis, 13
Matt Cullum, 16
Danny Allen, 16
Alex Bedley, 14
William Altman, 15
Louise Forsely, 17
Glenn Roblin, 16
Pat Smage, 14
Nathan Glinski, 16
Many thanks also to Anita Brown and Fran Webb, camp moms
One more item, since Drill Sargeant made them all report for practice at 7AM on time or suffer punishment duty, here are the 20 most used excuses for being late. No excuses were accepted, but that did not stop them from trying.
I would have been at practice on time, but:
1. My alarm did not work
2. My hair was not dry
3. I was at the emergency room late
4. I have a sleeping sickness
5. No one woke me up
6. I was doing laundry
7. My cat died
8. My buddies kept me up late
9. The video game I was playing did not have a pause feature
10. My parents said I could sleep in
11. I thought it was sleep-in day
12. I had nightmares and could not sleep
13. A raccoon took over our cabin and would not let me sleep
14. The rain and thunder kept me up
15. The smell in my cabin kept me up because I was too tired to take a shower
16. Trials is DUMB
17. My earring got hun on my pillow and was uncontrolably bleeding
18. I could not find my gear
19. I was tranded in the bathroom with no T. P.
20. My girlfriend called